Saturday, August 31, 2013

Well hello again!

It sure has been a while since I've been on this thing! Sorry about that! A lot has gone on this year.

First off, I would like to announce that I FINALLY have a constant booth space at a store "Razzl Dazzl" in Kaufman, TX. It's located at 1207 S Washington, Kaufman, Texas in the "PINK" house. I have been busy getting that set up this summer and now I am busy restocking for the fall! It's a neat little store full of creative vendors and they serve lunch and desserts! I am very excited to be a part of this group of gals!

Before setting up my booth at Razzl Dazzl, I set up my booth at Wiley Last Monday trade days! This was their first event! We met lots of cool people there and had a great time despite the heat!
 My cute little booth space!
 Had to reward my sweet girl some how for all the hard 
work she did, so she got a sweet little bun she named Oreo!

 Despite the heat, Jolene managed to make herself 
a shady shelter where she could read her book.
More booth pics!

Earlier this year, in April, I set up my booth at Pinkalicious Vinatge Prom and Antique Show , put on by the awesomely creative gals at Texas Trash Jewelry. It was an awesome event, and my daughter and I had a great time. Here are a few pics from this event:
 Some of the creative booths at Pinkalicious
 I shared a booth with 2 very creative Chicks, Kristy & Angela from Country Soul.
 These ladies were the Belles of the Ball! 
The lady in the baby blue dress got "Prom Queen" that night!
 My "Pink Lady" with her chick! 
She goes to all the shows with me!
 This cutie here, she belongs to me! 
This is my WildFlower Chick Jolene! 
She is my little designer, marketer, sales lady,wildflower picking partner and much more!
 Love when my family can come out and see us! 
My cousin (left to right) Leslie, Pink Lady, my sis Leta, Me, and Jolene. 
(my other sis stopped by, but forgot to get a pic).
 The cool chicks I shared a booth with! We go way back!
 Another creative Chick, 
Jenny from Faith & Pearl, she was set up with Girls Gone Junkin
 The Original Wildflower Chicks!
 Jolene's first Prom!
No comment! ;)

So, I guess I have been a bit busy between designing stuff for my Wildflowers Boutique, being Mom to my sweet girl, Wife to my awesome supportive hubby Dale, and having an awesome summer full of fun in the sun! I promise to keep you updated more consistently from here on out!  Besides working on new items for my booth, I have a neat little addition to my blog coming soon! Stay tuned!

Monday, November 5, 2012

November has finally arrived, fall is definitely in the air, and I can't help but feel even more thankful for the life I live during this time of year.
Today, my daughter had off from school, so my hubby took pics of Jolene and I wearing some of my creations. It was a great day to be outside, a nice breeze was blowing and  the sun was out. Here are a few pics he took, you can see all of them on my FB page:

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween, an excuse to dress up and be what/who ever you want to be and have fun doing it! This year, I went as Rosie The Riveter. The costume was so easy to put together, I wore a pair of my hubby's coveralls from when he was in the Navy, of course the red bandanna, and since I didn't have any black shoes, I wore my pink rain boats. I was comfortable and didn't have to worry about washing off crazy makeup before bed time.  My daughter had 2 costume changes this year, she first dressed up as an "80's girl" and then a "witch". My hubby just put on a really bad black wig and some old work coveralls. We had a blast with our friends, that's what it's really all about!

Spooky Halloween to you all, hope you get lots of candy on Wednesday!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I got this...I think!
I feel like my life is always "under construction". I think  that is just part of being a creative person. There are always projects that need to be completed and new ones started.
I have been cRaZy busy in my studio with lots of changes! I have revamped my whole work space, been crafting up new creative ideas, and now this BLOG! I must be a gluten for punishment, because I also signed up to do a craft booth on November 10th! (More info will be posted soon!). Never a dull moment here!