WiLdFlOwEr Picking

 What is WildFlower Picking?

We all know what wildflower picking is.....picking wildflowers!  What exactly is a wildflower? Wikipedia states that: "A wildflower (or wild flower) is a flower that grows in the wild, meaning it was not intentionally seeded or planted." I feel like I am in sense a wildflower in my own unique way! I also feel that when I "pick" an item  to bring home and rework, then it's like picking a wildflower. Why capitalize the "F" in WildFlower? Well, to set me apart from the other wildflowers out there. Plus, the letter "F" is the start of some Fabulous words like: Faith, Fantastic, Future, Friends, Frilly, Family....to name a Few! So, back to "WildFlower Picking", I created a Facebook page " https://www.facebook.com/WildFlowerPicking " to share information on cool events/places that WildFlower Picking can be done. Even though I would like to to think I can create everything I see on Pinterest, I do NOT have the time, so this is a way to share with  others who like to shop/pick/junk and let them know where to go. I am located just outside the DFW area, however I LOVE to share and hear about picking adventures all over the map, because a "true" wildflower travels all over! Stay tuned for WildFlower Picking events in your area!

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